New Hanover/Brunswick County Odor Reporting Tool Please send us details about the odor complaint you would like to report. The Regional Air Quality Staff will analyze your complaint and take the appropriate measures. We encourage you to include your address to assist DAQ in understanding the area being impacted by the odors. If you do not want to put your address, then enter the intersection nearest to where the odor was detected. Required fields are marked with asterisks* First Name Middle Name Last Name Prefix Mr. Miss Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ms. *Street Address *City,*State,Zip Enter your phone number: Format: 9999999999 *Select County odor is reported for: New Hanover Brunswick *Select Odor Intensity Open this select menu Light Moderate Severe *Odor details: Decayed Plant matter/compost Chemical Cat Urine Paint/VOC's Ammonia Sewage Garbage Creosote Natural Gas Burning Plastic Disinfectant/Cleaner Other If other please describe: *Date:Odor Detected *Time:Odor Detected Additional Information Submit